Mari N., Groemer G., and Sejkora N., 2021. Potential Futures in Human Habitation of Martian Lava Tubes. In: Mars, a Volcanic World. Edited by Springer. Leone G. (eds), pp. 279-307. doi:
Journal Papers
Caminiti E., Lantz C., Besse S., Brunetto R., Carli C., Serrano L., Mari N., Vincendon M., and Doressoundiram A., 2024. Effects of ion irradiation on Mercury terrestrial analogues in the visible to mid-infrared. Icarus, vol. 420, 116191. doi:
D’Incecco P., Filiberto J., Garvin J. B., Arney G. N., Getty S. A., Ghail R., Zelenyi L. M., Zasova L. V., Ivanov M. A., Gorinov D. A., Bhattacharya S., Bhiravarasu S. S., Putrevu D., Monaco C., Branca S., Aveni S., López I., Eggers G. L.,Mari N., Blackett M., Komatsu G., Kosenkova A., Cardinale M., El Yazidi M. and Di Achille G., 2024. Mount Etna as a Terrestrial laboratory to investigate active volcanism on Venus by future missions: a comparison with Idunn Mons. Icarus, vol. 411, 115959. doi:
Mari N., Eggers G. L., Filiberto J., Carli C., Pratesi G., Alvaro M., D’Incecco P., Cardinale M., and G. Di Achille, 2023. Boninites as Mercury lava analogues: geochemical and spectral measurements from pillow lavas on Cyprus island.Planetary and Space Science, vol. 236, 105764. doi:
Cardinale M., Vaz D. A., D’Incecco P., Mari N., Filiberto J., Eggers G. L. and Di Achille G., 2023. Morphostructural mapping of Borealis Planitia, Mercury. Journal of Maps, vol. 19, issue 1. doi:
D’Incecco P., Filiberto J., López I., Eggers G.L., Di Achille G., Komatsu G., Gorinov D. A., Monaco C., Aveni S., Mari N., Blackett M., Mastrogiuseppe M., Cardinale M., and El Yazidi M., 2022. The geologically recent areas as one key target for identifying active volcanism on Venus. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 49, issue 22. doi:
O'Brien A. C., Hallis L. J., Regnault C., Morrison D., Blackburn G., Steele A., Daly L., Tait A., Tremblay M., Telenko D. E. P., Gunn J., McKay E., Mari N., Salik M. A., Ascough P., Toney J., Griffin S., Whitfield P., and Lee M., 2022. Using organic contaminants to constrain the terrestrial journey of the Martian meteorite Lafayette. Astrobiology, vol. 22, issue 11, pp. 1351-1362. doi:
Mari N., Hallis L. J., Daly L., and Lee M. R., 2020. Convective activity in a Martian magma chamber recorded by P-zoning in Tissint olivine. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 55, issue 5, pp. 1057-1072. doi:
Mari N., Riches A. J. V., Hallis L. J., Marrocchi Y., Villeneuve J., Becker H., Gleissner P. and Lee M. R., 2019. Syneruptive incorporation of Martian surface sulphur in the nakhlite lava flows revealed by S and Os isotope and highly siderophile elements: implication for mantle sources in Mars. Geochimica & Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 266, pp. 416-434. doi:
Gravina T., Mari N., Farina L., and Calabria P., 2019. Tsunami risk perception along the Tyrrhenian coasts of Southern Italy: the case of Marsili volcano. Natural Hazards, vol. 97, issue 1, pp. 437-454. doi:
Gravina T., Figliozzi E., Mari N. and Tupputi Schinosa F., 2016. Landslide risk perception in Frosinone (Lazio, Central Italy). Landslides, vol. 13, pp. 1-11. doi:
Mari N., 2016. Detecting magma mixing processes using Scanning Electron Microscopy Method. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, vol 6, pp. 90-97. doi:
Conference Papers (selected)
Caminiti E., Doressoundiram A., Besse S., Wright J., Lantz C., Brunetto R., Carli C., Vincendon M., Mari N., and Serrano L. M., 2023. Evolution of volcanism on Mercury using spectroscopy.54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract# 2108, Houston (USA).
Mari N., Eggers G. L., Filiberto J., Pratesi G., Carli C., Alvaro M., and D’Incecco P., 2022. Boninites from Cyprus Island as Mercury lava analogues.23rd International Mineralogical Association General Meeting, Abstract# 1113, Lyon (France).
Filiberto J., D'Incecco P., Mari N., Leone G., Monaco C., Ruiz-Labranderas I. L., Martynov A. and Pisarenko P., 2021. Lava flows from Mount Etna as a Venus Analog: spectroscopy and mineralogy. American Geophysical Union Meeting 2021, Abstract# 2222, New Orleans (USA).
Mari N., Alvaro M., Carli C., Pratesi G., Charlier B., Namur O., Morlok A., Hiesinger H., Domeneghetti M.C. & Capaccioni F., 2021. Evolution of Mercury-like lavas through aubrite meteorites: looking for sample analogs for the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission. Rend. Online Soc. Geo. It., 90th Italian Geological Congress, pp. 400, Trieste, Italy.
Mari N. and Riches A. J. V., 2020. Investigating Mars’ recent surface habitability via correlative petrology and highly siderophile element systematics in meteorites. Goldschmidt 2020 Abstracts, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Mari N. and Morrison C., 2020. Inferring interior geoactivity of the Trappist-1 system exoplanets. 1st ARIEL: Science, Mission & Community Conference, pp. 35, ESA, The Netherlands.
Mari N., 2020. Morphological characterization of basaltic pumice from the summer 2019 Stromboli eruption: insights from the Calabrian beach deposits (Italy). Miscellanea INGV, vo. 52, pp. 257, Catania (Italy).
Mari N., Hallis L. & Lee M., 2019. Chlorine abundance in the shergottite parental melt amphibole and apatite in Tissint and Zagami. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 54, issue S2, pp. A6041, Sapporo (Japan).
Mari N., Riches A., Hallis L., Marrocchi Y., Villeneuve J. & Lee M., 2018. Sulphur isotope fractionation in the nakhlite lava flows: new insights into Martian volcanic and atmospheric processes. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 53, issue S1, pp. A185, Moscow (Russia).
Mari N., Hallis L. J., Lee M. R., and Riches A. J. V., 2018. Martian meteorites as a probe for the evolution of Mars. Rend. Online Soc. Geo. It., 89th Italian Geological Congress, pp. 831, Catania (Italy).
Mari N., Hallis L., Riches A. & Lee M., 2017. Mg-Fe and P-zoning in Tissint olivine and pyroxene: implication for Martian magma chamber dynamics. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 52, issue S1, pp. A225, New Mexico (USA).
Orlandi D., Maras A. & Mari N., 2016. Evidences of shock metamorphism in the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Extraterrestrial Materials Research Meeting, pp. 20, Manchester (UK).
Mari N., Mattioli M., Renzulli A. & Pistolesi M., 2016. The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption (Iceland): auto-mingling signatures in the basaltic products of the opening lava fountain phase. Rend. Online Soc. Geo. It., suppl. 1 to vol 40, pp. 236, Naples (Italy).
Mari N. & Verrino M., 2016. Evidencing different eruptive style volcanic areas of Mars from NASA Martian Meteorites Compendium data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna (Austria).
Mari N., 2015. Temporal evolution of magma mixing related to the explosivity of volcanic eruptions. Rend. Online Soc. Geo. It., suppl. 2 to vol 35, pp. 174, Florence (Italy).